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Advanced Parenting Blog

RAD and the IEP for School school

I have a great letter for teachers on my website that has helped many parents. I want to help more!

These 7 areas should be written up in the IEP (Individual Education Plan) along with any specific needs the individual student has. The IEP for a child with RAD should include:

  1. ...
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Calming Chaos in Class school

She raised her hand and challenged me, ” You mean when my friend and I go out on weekends to run over cats, there’s something wrong with that?” “Yes.” I replied. One after another six students tried to argue with me that the torturing and killing of animals they...

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Classroom Clashes Conquered By Brave Behaviorist school stories of hope

Hello Nancy,

I attended one of your conferences at Cape Cod. I am a behaviorist working with a child that has RAD. When I came back I presented the information that you gave to his parents, my agency, and the school that I work at. They agreed to allow me to try your techniques. They were...

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School Vouchers: The New Buzz Word in Education Reform school

During the committee hearings conducted for Education Secretary Nominee Betsy DeVos the term “vouchers” was mentioned several times. It has also been in the news and on media sites since that time. During her testimony DeVos spoke of using vouchers in relation to meeting IDEA...

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