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Advanced Parenting Blog

RAD: Hold The Line parenting safety

My friend, Melissa, was visiting from Alaska. She knows how to drive in the snow and is a very capable person so I had no worries when she planned to fly into Denver and drive over the two 11,000 foot high passes to get to our ranch. The rental car folks gave her a car and sent her on her way....

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Poison parenting safety technology

I almost poisoned my dog last night!! Elan works hard and yes, I spoil her! I admit it, I share my food with her. (It is part of my weight loss program:>)) 2 bites for me…one bite for her. As I sat savoring a rich chocolate truffle from my friend Judy, Elan came and sat next to me. I...

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The Super Hero Exam parenting safety

Why are our children looking for a super hero? Why is this such a HUGE issue for our kids? Do we have to wear spandex and a cape to qualify?


Children From Trauma Are Looking for Protection

Our challenging children are looking for a protector to keep them safe from whatever happened to them...

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Why An Alarm On The Childā€™s Door? parenting safety

Children need to feel safe.

Many of our children were hurt at night, often in their own bed! Some children laid in their rooms and listened to screaming and fighting as their family was torn apart by hate. Night time is hard for these children. When they have an alarm on their door they know no...

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