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Advanced Parenting Blog

Victorious Visits with Young Adults with RAD attachment rad reactive attachment disorder (rad)

What are parents supposed to do when a young adult daughter or son with RAD who has disconnected from you for a long time realizes you are an important part of their life and starts reaching? Is it a good idea to have a visit? How should we handle it?  

 When is the right time to visit...

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Road Block attachment reactive attachment disorder (rad)

There was a Huge Wall

I first saw Anna across the circle from me. Her long blonde hair hung in a braid over her shoulder. She was wearing a beautiful handmade Mennonite style dress but what struck me the most were her eyes. They were cold, dark and vacant. The happy chatter around the circle at...

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Response to Critics About Attachment Work attachment parenting

Okay, I admit it, I’m not perfect. Whew, it’s out!

After training over 50,000 parents, teachers, and mental health professionals over the past twenty-five years, I have said a lot of things. Some of the things I have said have been taken out of context and misused to allude to the...

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RAD: Twisted by Trauma attachment reactive attachment disorder (rad)

Trauma hurts. It ripples through lives creating a tidal wave of health problems well documented in the “ACE” studies. Horrendous things happening to little ones interferes with normal brain and personality development UNLESS there is someone the child trusts to be a safe haven during...

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The Potential Downside of Adopting Siblings attachment siblings

by Becky Malecki

Originally published in Fostering Families Today. Used with the permission of the author, Becky Malecki.


While keeping siblings together is important, at times that togetherness can hinder their growth as individuals

I used to be righteous, exclaiming the need to keep...

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Trust and Attachment attachment stories of hope

by Michelle Reavis

I sat rocking in the overstuffed recliner. The same chair that I had rocked my two other babies in. Cradled in the crook of my arm, her head, so small and round, was precious. I felt the same tingle in my stomach, like someone had given me a priceless gift. My eyes sparkling...

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